Doodle Making Tips with DoodleMaker - Review and Tips by Damon Nelson

Doodle Making Tips with DoodleMaker - Review and Tips by Damon Nelson

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Hey, guys, I wanted to show you a new doodle maker software that you probably have gotten a few emails either for me or from other marketers.

And the reason is it is an excellent product for video editing, and it's set up so that anybody can use it. It's newbie-friendly.

It's a very, very low learning curve that doesn't take you very long to get up to speed and be using it to create.

But this does a couple of really unique things that a lot of the video editors are not doing. It does a translation from YouTube and creates a video from it.

The other thing that I like, is it will interpret your content and do animation or a doodle drawing of some type.

Now, it's not accurate. You know, none of these are going to be spot-on accurate, but it gives you a good start.

And that's the one thing I like about it, is you're not staring at a blank screen, so it's worth checking out.

The price is very affordable.

They have a monthly club that will give you new videos every month. If you want to do that, it's on an upsell.

They have an agency package and some other upgrades.

Now, let me show you some of the bonuses.

And some of them, I thought, well, it's just the same old stuff everybody else has.

But there's a couple that I want to point out to you that you're going to get if you buy through this link here.

One of the things I do like it does video translation from YouTube, but then you can convert it into other languages

And it has a reader on there, and it has some excellent voices.

Now, Paul Ponna and his team, I've been doing voiceover auto A.I. voiceover work for at least three years. And I've been selling a lot and promoting a lot of his products. So they're very good with the A.I. voices.

So if you're doing affiliate promotion, well, don't just do it in English, do it in all these different languages and upload.

And the beauty about it is you can now do translations to put in, as your captions do, full color.

Now, there's one more thing. I want you to watch the demo to see what it does.

It will take a Pixabay image or an image you upload, and it will colorize it as somebody did it with a crayon

And then it will remove the background. I've never seen this done. And this was kind of like a side effect or an extra benefit on there.

And it's a cool effect if you want to see how it's done.

Now, let's go down to the Best bonuses.

Video agency Biz Bundle, if you want to create a site and you want some emails, your client contracts, business cards, and it helps you set up a business in a box basically.

Content Engine. This is one of the deals that I thought this might be a pretty exciting bonus because we pull content to do RSSMasher posts. Do an original spin post with SpinRewriter. So this might be pretty decent.

You can take this content, put it straight into DoodleMaker and create a doodle with it.

It's a neat thing if you can if it fits your niches.

And here's his latest bonus. I think they just kind of threw it in, and they didn't realize what you could do with this.

There are some long videos. I've made some long videos. So this is an app that will take that long video and summarize it with essential points. So now you can take a long video making a short video created and doodle with it, and you're off to the races.

If it saves you time in taking a ten-minute video down to sixty seconds and using that as your teaser video to get them out of Facebook, get them out of Twitter, get them out of YouTube, this might be something that you'll go to a lot.

I'm Damon Nelson with Wayne Atkinson, and we're glad that you watch this review video.

I'd say this is a two thumbs up recommendation.

This is a quick way to make doodle videos. So I'll see you in the next video.

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