"Narges' separation from Hadi after the brutal conflict and Ibrahim's murder"

"Narges' separation from Hadi after the brutal conflict and Ibrahim's murder"

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Publish Date:
12 September, 2024
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Nargis had been doing his daily work at home for a few days, but one day he heard a terrible news that broke his heart. In the city where Narges used to live, her dear cousin, Ibrahim, had been killed in a fierce conflict. This brutal conflict happened at the hands of Hadi, the man Narges had just married, and Hadi's relatives.
In this conflict, they killed not only Ibrahim but also another person. Ordinary people, who were innocent, were wounded and frightened by their brutality. The city was shocked. All the residents gathered together and decided not to let this brutal violence go unanswered. The houses of Hadi and his family were set on fire and they were exiled from the city. No one wanted to witness such unfortunate events again.
Narges, who was in the grief and shock of losing Ibrahim, stayed away from everything for a few days and could not communicate with others. She was overwhelmed with thought and grief, she couldn't believe how a man who had just entered her life could cause such tragedies. He decided to share these tragic events with others with a video and show the terrible scenes he recorded of people's burnt houses.
The people of the city had decided to evict Hadi and his family from the city to prevent the recurrence of these tragedies. Nargis could not cope with this fact and decided to break up with Hadi. He told Hadi that he should never come to him again and parted ways forever. Narges her heart was broken, but she knew that this end was necessary. Hadi was now divorced from her and was expected to go to prison in the near future, where he would have to answer for his terrible deeds.
In these difficult moments, Narges was trying to find herself again, but the sadness of losing lbrahim and the betrayal of a man who trusted her was still heavy

#Gham_Nargis #bitter_story #Hadi_betrayal #The killing of lbrahim #Destroyed life #Exile_and_fire #nargis_divorce #family_disaster #sad_separation #Dard_narges_life

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