Air ai VS Human - Real Estate Investing LIVE call (Roleplay) - Air.Ai reviews, Air Ai reviews, Caleb Maddix Air AI

Air ai VS Human - Real Estate Investing LIVE call (Roleplay) - Air.Ai reviews, Air Ai reviews, Caleb Maddix Air AI

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This is going to help with Marketing if you’re cold calling prospects, it can help with managing leads. Let’s say you’ve used our Creative REI Reply ai SMS Marketing and have an appointment automatically scheduled, this sales ai can then reach out and take the initial call to manage that lead. Ai lead management, ai SMS Marketing, ai sales calls: all are possible with this tool.

This tech is constantly improving, too. So it’s not like it’s going away. If you want the actual script I created when I was building this particular ai sales bot you can get it by clicking the link in the description below.

#ai #autonomousai #realestate #aisales

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