Adding Product Reviews to Your Ecommerce Site to Increase Trust

Adding Product Reviews to Your Ecommerce Site to Increase Trust

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Adding Product Reviews to your eCommerce site to increase trust
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Having an accurate, up-to-date online presence has always been important for earning and maintaining your customers’ trust. With instability in the the market, upholding the promises made to your customers by your advertising content is absolutely vital.

You can alleviate customer concerns with user reviews.

Brand loyalty goes beyond confidence in transparent data practices or fair pricing, the same way that trust in romantic partner goes beyond faith in their fidelity or financial responsibility. We may not have the benefit of partner reviews (million-dollar idea alert), but we do have endless options for reviewing businesses online.

Respond to all reviews
Don’t delete bad reviews, reply to them. Someone who’s been around and has no negative reviews appears to be hiding bad feedback, even though that’s certainly not always the case. Responding to a negative review shows that you care, that you’re honest, and how you react to unhappy customers. That kind of candor earns a lot of goodwill.

Reduce the variables for your customers
Businesses are closing their doors, running out of inventory, or moving to remote service models faster than your average consumer can keep up. Everyone is inundated with news alerts and new information. They are scrambling to sort through what’s changed, what’s right, and what they should ignore.

A visible review, posted in the last few days, could be the difference between a sale and a scroll down to the next vendor. By showing the trust of your current customers, new customers are far more likely to gamble on you.






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