Testing 250 BANNED Amazon Products (Crazy)

Testing 250 BANNED Amazon Products (Crazy)

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I Will test over 250 banned Amazon products. Uncover the unexpected, the extraordinary, and the incredible in this thrilling video.

i won't just be making these 250 purchases and testing items that few people have encountered on Amazon, but we're also talking about More thank 200+ items that few people even knew existed. This isn't just something you might come across on the regular web or other apps; these are secrets and exclusive items from Amazon, not to mention, they can be a bit terrifying since we don't know what we'll come across. I'm scared, my friends.

Not only will I be diving into purchases and testing items that few have explored on Amazon, but we're delving into the realm of hidden treasures—items that many didn't even know existed. This isn't your typical online find or app discovery; these are Amazon's exclusive secrets, and it gets a bit spine-chilling. Brace yourselves, friends, because we're in for an unknown journey, and I'm feeling a bit uneasy about what we might uncover.

Get ready to explore the forbidden world with me! 🔥🚀 #BannedOnAmazon #ProductTesting #nichlmao

Testing Secret Amazon items and also 250 Delleted Amazon items.

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Remember I LOVE YOU ALL!

About NichLMAO: Welcome to my channel! I love to make videos for you guys like, yes or no videos, pranks, challenges, collabs with my friends and roommates, YouTube Shorts, and so much more!